4.5 out of 5 stars. Great adult content with lots of mystery and action.
Callie hasn't had a glamorous life. She can't even make it through more than three dates with most guys. It may have something to do with living in a sort of witness protection hiding from the people that killed her parents as she hid in the next room twenty years prior. Not only does she have trust issues but she has intimacy issues on top of it. So sarcasm is her weapon of choice when dealing with the world. Unfortunately, after a rough few days on the anniversary of losing her parents, Callie decided to take a little trip down memory lane and even though it seems harmless at the time, it's going to alter her life forever.
Brethren Warrior Nathanael doesn't hide from trouble, he finds it. He didn't plan on finding it in such an enticing package named Callie. Yes, it's a rough start when you are coming to deliver an apology for a buddy walking away without so much as a good bye, but Callie isn't even interested in hearing about it. From the moment Nathan knocks on her door they have to run for her life. For some guys, it's all in the timing. He never thought that telling her that he's supposed to get the Elixxir from her and return it to where it belongs would be one of the easiest thing he would tell her.
This was a great book. It's really all about good verses evil and the two main characters learning to trust each other. They both obviously have secrets they are keeping from each other in the beginning and they have to learn to trust each other and even themselves enough to share these secrets. OF course, it totally helps that they are kicking but and taking no prisoners as they go along. It's not a cut and dry mission and no, they don't just beat the bad guy to the Elixxir, that would be too easy.
Jamie K
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