
Mary L Williams Day 5

If I Loved You (Harper Falls #1)

If You Only Wanted One Night Would You Take A Chance On a Man Who Wanted Forever?
Rose O'Brian wants to spice up her love life and Jack Winston seems like the answer. Sexy, funny and a killer smile, Jack is every woman's fantasy. All she wants is one night of passion, nothing more. But Jack has a secret that stops him from taking her up on her offer, stops him from having the one thing he wants more than his next breath--beautiful Rose O'Brian. Rose has her own secrets. Emotionally scared, she's never believed in happily ever afters. But for the first time she's met a man who makes her want to open her heart, to dream of love. When Rose's past rears its ugly head can she finally let go and overcome the hurt? Can Jack convince her to take a chance and embrace a future with him? Can he show her that love is there if she will only reach out and take it?

About the author
Mary J. Williams was born and raised in Washington State. She attended Eastern Washington University and graduated with a degree in photography. It has always been her dream to write, but it took a while for the dream to come true. With the publication of "If I Loved You" featuring the love story of Rose O'Brian and Jack Winston, she hopes to expand on that dream and write many more. She will be revisiting Harper Falls and Rose's best friends Dani and Tyler in future books, "If Tomorrow Never Comes" and "If You Only Knew". Both books will be out later this year. Love stories were always her favorite when she was growing up, and now she's writing her own.

When not writing Mary loves to read, garden (raspberry bushes are just starting to green up) and exercise, though the last part is not a favorite activity. She loves to bake (which makes the exercising really necessary), and cookies are her favorite.

Just before she downloaded "If I Loved You" for publication her hands were shaking so badly it was hard to hit the button. But for better or worse the book is out there. All comments and reviews are welcome, even the bad ones (let's hope there aren't too many of those).

Visit Mary's website at maryjwilliams.net and sign up for her newsletter.

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Happy reading everyone.

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