
Cassandra L. Shaw Day 2

GRAVE ROBBER FOR HIRE. Adult Urban/Paranormal Fantasy Mystery.

“A funny, suspenseful thriller that grips you from the beginning and pulls you into a
weird and twisted world of missing art, supernatural evil, and plain, old-fashioned greed!”
An excerpt from about 1/3 of the way through of Grave Robber for Hire. 
Hi everyone, today I’d thought I share a small excerpt from Grave Robber for Hire.  This
section is about 1/3 of the way through the book.
The skin down my spine vibrated and the hair at the top tingled. I looked around and
frowned. A sensation almost identical of being watched feathered my psyche. But this felt
more focused and waaaaaay creepier.
“Hayyel,” a voice deep and rich in texture, whispered from beside me.
I spun. Nobody was there. My heart did a little doof-doof-jolt.
“Hayyel, leave.” The voice had breath that tickled my ear.
I lurched forward. The force of the blood created by the hard pounding of my heart made
my ears ache.
“Hayyel, run.”
Something shoved me from behind propelling me toward the door. “Eeee.” I yelped and
fell knees first, cracking onto the hard wood floor. Shaking like a leaf in an autumn wind, I
stood. What a fucking day. What a fucking case. What a fucking family.
The scent of rotting flesh filled the air.
Arms held from my body ready for action or to run like shit, I spun in a full circle and
opened my sixth sense to seek what shoved me.
A ghost stood glowering at me. His chest rose and fell as if panicked or after a long run.
Each breath emphasized the OMG of his physique. He wore tight tan suede pants, laced at the
side-seams and fly, and an open vest. A necklace of large polished Lapis Lazuli circled his
thick corded neck. I swallowed. I wasn’t sure if I felt fear, shock, lust, or that favorite of
mine, D, all of the above. His coal colored gaze held mine, his hair touched his shoulders in a
jet satin curtain. Mother of the gods, he was magnificent.
A Conan the Barbarian version of Tyreal.
Muscles rippled in anticipation of action. His voice, so like Tyreal’s, vibrated the
airwaves. “Run, Hayyel. Run.”
I frowned. Run from him? He looked pissed, whatever he was, but not at me.
A whispering babble of high eerie hisses sounded behind me. I turned. Black mist in
stubby fingers drifted through the floorboard cracks. The fingers lengthened and stretched
into thin wisps, snaking upwards before drifting across the floor in a snake like slither toward
Oh, run—run from that.

Grave Robber for Hire can be found at:
AMAZON:   http://tinyurl.com/mqzh87a
SMASHWORDS:  http://tinyurl.com/nj4pjpn
IBOOKS:  http://tinyurl.com/qc6pywk
NOOK: (Barnes & Noble) http://tinyurl.com/pnhxasj
CREATESPACE:  https://www.createspace.com/4681384
KOBO: http://tinyurl.com/negf8lp
I’d love to meet you on Facebook or my website:
Website: www.cassandralshaw.com
Facebook www.facebook.com/cassandralshawauthor


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