Day 1 Lets start the Halloween Giveaway Spectacular Event Oct 6-31st

Welcome One and All to Julie's Book Review. We are hosting some awesome things this month. First of all we will be hosting 2 fabulous authors, site or blog. Each author/site/blog will be showcasing their work. We all have put together a wonderful giveaway for you as well. $100,$25, (3)$10, (5) $5 Amazon Gift cards. Plus I have a one of a kind necklace made by my cousin Lorie. She does wonderful work. There is a picture at the bottom of the rafflecopter. If you are a reader, there is a ton of new authors and stories to find in this event. If you are a Blogger, here are some wonderful authors who all would love you help spreading the stories they have created. So much info, new worlds and fun to be had in this event. Please share with your friends! Enter the rafflecopter as many times as you can. Lots of great prizes. I hope you all enjoy. Along with my staff and myself, there are hundreds if not thousands of hours that have gone into these stories by this wonderful line up. All stories have either paranormal, mystery or thriller elements. Just in time for this Halloween Season.
Here is who will be on:Oct 6th 1. Cara Carnes
2.Michelle Lowe
7th-1Valerie Douglas
2.Dorothy Dawson
8th-1Tarah Scott
2.Julie Berghammer
9th-1.Lea Barrymire
2.N.L. Hoffman
10th-1. Kia Carrington Russell
2. Teresa Reasor
11th 1. S & N Books
2.Lyn Croft
12th 1. Shannon Carter
2. Diane Leyne
13th 1. Melissa Bell
2.Julie Berghammer
14th 1. Lana Williams
2. E LR Jones-Author
15. 1. LaVerne Thompson
2.Dennis Timothy
16th 1.Alaina Stanford
2. Melanie Smith
17th 1. AJ Storm
2.Derek Graystock
18th 1. Suzzana C Ryan
2.Ethan Radcliff
19th 1 Jeff Prebis
2.Scrupples Mitchel
20th 1. Lia Davis
2.Sabrina Love Sumsion
21st 1.Sara L Gavyn
2.Damian Bloodstone
22nd 1. Loraine Britt
2.Feather Stone
23rd 1.Louisa Bacio
2.Melanie Smith
24th 1.Julie Ramsey
2.Scott Bryan
25th 1.D.C Narrol
2.Carol Bond
26th 1 Micki Fredricks
2.Dennis Timothy
27th 1 Elizabeth Burgess
2. Alaina Stanford
28th 1Julie Berghammer
2.Scarlett Jade
29th 1.Natasha Rogue
2.A K Michaels
30th 1.Melissa Bell
2Forrest Carr
31st 1Sarena and Sasha Nanua (Pritpal Nanua)
2.Isobelle Cate
Julie's Book Review
Hello, all my followers, visitors, and guests. Welcome to Julies Book Review. This is a site dedicated to helping authors and readers alike. Readers to find new authors and stories and authors to find new readers. For authors please contact me if you are interested in low cost promotion at I accommodate where I can. Readers please go through and search the blog. We have been active here for a while. Hundreds on authors, stories and genres to choose from. We have everything from sci-fi, erotica, romance, contemporary, mystery and horror. And nothing gets on this site without a 3 out 5 star rating minimum. I have several reviewers that read different genres. If you are interested in reviewing for me and the site please contact me at the above email. I hope you enjoy the site. I look forward to meeting and talking with you all.
Julie Ramsey & Theresa Fehse
Along with many reviewers (which we could not do this without)
Lots of new authors to me