Trace Conger
Author Interview Part 2
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get
First, just write a damn good book. Put your butt in your chair and write. A lot of
writers get caught up in all the details of publishing—how to land an agent, what
publisher to approach, should they go traditional or indie, how should they market
the book—before they even complete a manuscript. Before you worry about any
of these, and yes, they are important topics to consider, write the best book you
Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s
I’m a huge Stephen King fan, but I also really enjoy reading Joe Lansdale,
Elmore Leonard, and Jack Ketchum. All of these authors know how to tell a story,
and regardless of their genre, for me, the ability to tell a vivid story is what
matters most.
Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it
The first thing I ever wrote (and illustrated) was a picture book called “Henry the
Happy Pirate.” I was probably in the first grade and I’m sure it was horrible,
absolutely horrible. I remember my mother helping me make a black velvet cover
for it. That was awesome.
Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
I’m not a huge believer in inspiration. I’m not sure if I’ve ever been inspired to
write. I’ve always enjoyed writing and I’ve enjoyed creating stories and
characters, so I guess that’s the “inspiration” behind why I do what I do. For me,
the story comes first and from that the characters, plot and themes emerge. It’s
all about telling a great story.
Do you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories you would like
to share?
I’m an avid woodworker and I have the scars to prove it. I love making Shaker-
style furniture, but I have two young children, so I haven’t been able to spend a
lot of time in my workshop. I try to steal away there any time I can. One of the
antagonists in THE SHADOW BROKER owns a woodshop, and it’s always wise
to stay away from criminals who own woodshops.
Favorite places to travel or visit?
While I love living in Cincinnati, I try to get out of Ohio as often as I can. Our lake
house in Maine is one of my favorite places to vacation. It’s a different world
there, and it’s easy to get lost in the way life should be.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on SCAR TISSUE, the follow-up novel to THE SHADOW
BROKER. It will be available later this year.
Where can users contact you?
Readers can sign up for my newsletter at www.traceconger.com to receive
updates, promotions, and free fiction.
They can also contact me at:
Website: www.traceconger.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tracecongerauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8620803.Trace_Conger
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TraceConger

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