Phoenix Blade: Awaking
Andrew Hess
been three silent years since anyone has seen or heard from the
Revolution group. Prisoner 845 has been locked in solitary confinement,
for his own protection, has decided its time to let go of some secrets.
Mason was once a very rich and powerful man who controlled a whole
country. He was the President of the United States and the master mind
behind the Revolution group. He was known as the "Benefactor". Once word
got out that he was going to see the current President of the US, the
group was called once again to take care of business.
get wild and one by one the group is being hunted down, not knowing who
to trust and what is behind each corner Agent Peterson and his small
group of officials will do what it takes.. . . .
was a very thrilling read! You for sure did not what or who was coming
around each corner, or page you turned. The characters are easy to
understand and fit so well, at times you was wondering who really was
the bad guy. Pieces from the story fit so well together and I for sure
not see many things that were to come ! Sit back and hold on for a
wonderful thrilling ride thru a novel of government conspiracy.

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