Newborn Nazi - by Rhoda D'Ettore
Although this story is fictionalize for dramatic effects, the story is
based on true family legend. The final chapter of the book is depicted
in the exact events that took place, according to the memories of my
family members.
really was an Edmund and Hedwig. Edmund really was forced into the
Hitler Youth then into the SS. His sister really did vow to save people
and joined the Underground movement. Edmund really did come to a point
where he either turned in his sister or protected her. Read the book and
see what he chose to do.
Available on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Scribd, Smashwords, iApple, and more.
Ebook & Paperback
Coming on audiobook Spring of 2015
Narration by Elaine Baden
Germany, 1934 -- SS officers entered the house of Hedwig Schultz and ripped her 14 year old brother, Edmund, from her arms. He has been selected for an elite division of the Hitler Youth that will train him for indoctrination into the feared SS.
Horrified, Hedwig enlists the help of her brother in America to thwart Nazi plans regarding the Final Solution of the Jewish people. It becomes a cat and mouse game as the family enters a world of Nazi spies, double agents and the Underground movement. All the while, Hedwig must prevent their brother, Edmund, from becoming suspicious. One report of treason to his Hitler Youth instructors would result in death... or worse.

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