Interview, Catherine Bybee
Special Feature, August 25th
Welcome to JBR!
We are thrilled to have you visiting today. With the huge giveaway going on what item are you offering to our wonderful readers?
I have a raffle with rafflecopter, which will include a Kindle Fire Giveaway, as well as several Amazon gift cards. This will run the length of my blog tour for Fiancé by Friday.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Well let’s see, I’m a wife, a mother, and a wine drinker…not always in that order. At least that’s what my Twitter blurb says. Oh, yeah, and I’m a NYT’s Bestselling Romance Author. But I think you knew that. LOL
What genres do you like to write?
All of them. However, lately I’ve been on a contemporary kick. It helps that my publisher keeps contracting books from me. I also write paranormal time travels…which I love.
What is your newest release?
FiancĂ© by Friday is the third book in my Weekday Brides series. This is the story about Neil and Gwen. *rubs hands together* I can’t wait for my readers to sink their teeth into Neil.
What are you working on right now?
I’m actually working on my fifth time travel…AKA Amber’s story. My readers have waited a long time for this one.
Any future projects you can hint about?
Sure… I can just tell you, no hints necessary. I’ll be writing Not Quite Forever, the forth book in my Not Quite Series and the fifth book in the Bride series this next year as well. Some of my fans have worried that I was only going to write five bride books, but I think they can count on seven.
As a writer can you give an aspiring authors any advice or some of your wisdom?
I’m asked this all the time and I answer it the same way every time. WRITE! You can only improve your craft by writing, can only improve your ability to find a publisher, an agent, or an audience by writing the next story. There are no short cuts to this
writing gig…
If you could meet one character from your books who would it be and why?
I think I’ll just narrow that question down to this series and say Blake Harrison. I wanna know exactly where he invests his money so I can follow his lead.
Are there any other people or authors that have inspired you or helped you along the way?
I’m always in awe of Nora Roberts and her ability to crank out books. I admire her so very much. I’ve had plenty of people along the way who have helped me improve as a writer and have had plenty push me out of my comfort zone. My critique partner, Angel Martinez/Sandra Stixrude has been my rock for many years.
How about some fun stuff?
What is your favorite activity besides writing?
Eating? Wait, no drinking…no, wait…traveling. Yeah, I love to visit other parts of the world.
Do you own any pets?
A dog, a cat and a goat. I’m fresh out of chickens right now but plan on getting more soon. Damn bobcat took them all out a couple of years ago. Now I have to buy eggs. Errr!
Favorite place to travel?
Anywhere close to the ocean.
Favorite author you can recommend to our readers?(can have more than one)
That depends on what my readers are looking for. Let’s see, for historical romance I enjoy Katharine Ashe, Elizabeth Essex and many more… for contemporary there are Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Jennifer Probst…Nora of course. Paranormal… Caridad Pinero. LOL Funny will be Dakota Cassidy, she always has me peeing my pants. Suspense, Kendra Elliot is a new author for me. – I could go on all day.
Favorite book
Not fair… can’t pick just one.
And finally where can we find you and your books?
Thank you for coming to JBR. I enjoyed talking to you and we hope to see you again here on Julies Book Review.
Thank you for having me!
Thanks for hosting me on your blog.
ReplyDeleteHello again, Catherine. I didn't know you had some paranormal time travel books out! Where have I been?! Goodness, I'm gonna have to and look further on Amazon past your latest contemporaries. Of course, I only got an ereader two years ago and started shopping at Amazon about that your paranormal time travels must be earlier. In fact, I'm going to Amazon right after I hang up the comment.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed learning about you!