We are all very glad you came here to JBR. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am the author of The Blood Curse Series, and I currently live in Colorado where I try to juggle a hectic writing schedule with two, teenage kids and as many “retreats” to the mountains as possible.
What genres do you write? Right now, I write Dark Fantasy. It is a bit like Urban Fantasy, except it takes place in the Rocky Mountains (versus a city); and it is often mistaken for PRN, except for “romance” is a major element (rather than the primary theme): The world-building, mythology, and exploration of good versus evil is far more prevalent in Dark Fantasy.
As a reader I love all genres but my followers want to know what to expect from your books. Action, adventure, romance, sex, magic?? A lot of edge-of-your-seat suspense and fast action. Very deep, moving relationships between characters (siblings, warriors, and mates) and yes, some intense romantic scenes as well. There is also laugh-out-loud humor and plenty of magic, and some scenes can be graphic. While I love the creativity and story-telling of the YA genre (think “Twilight”), these vampires bite – they don’t sparkle…
However, they also possess a tenderness, love, and loyalty to family and community that drives their every decision.
Who is your favorite character(s) from your books? My favorite vampire is Nachari Silivasi (always has been).
What is your newest release? can you tell us a little about it? BLOOD SHADOWS (Nachari’s story) was just released on February 28th, 2013; and thanks to so many wonderful readers and fans, it quickly made its way to the Amazon Fantasy Paranormal Bestseller list, reaching #2. Thank you so much, everyone!!! Like all the novels in the series, Blood Shadows explores a deeper question about the nature and journey of the soul (about light versus shadow). But, unlike some of the others, Nachari has a very torturous road to travel to get to his destiny. While this is a gut-wrenching journey, it is meant to explore an age old question: Are the most-evolved souls born to greatness, handed the mantle, or is the most refined power truly forged – and earned -- through fire?
What about future projects? Any hints? At the end of every book in the series, there is a short epilogue which launches into the next book and highlights what is to come. Since there’s a major surprise at the end of BLOOD SHADOWS (which reveals an unexpected turn that I don’t want to **spoil** for readers), I would just have to say the series is plunging forward into the next character’s story…
Can you give aspiring authors any advice? Just keep writing…and reading…and writing…and reading…and writing . And never give up!
How about some "fun" personal stuff! Oh boy, let’s see. I don’t know how fun it is, but I have a life-long love of horses and dogs (specifically, German Shepherds). I can spend hours “hanging out” with hummingbirds, just watching them fly and act silly, and we have a red fox and a huge, male bobcat that frequent our house. Again, just watching them really moves my soul…
What book have they read that touched you deeply? and why? (yours or someone elses) I’ve read many books that have touched me deeply, but the Blood Curse Series has a special place in my heart because of the themes it explores. What a lot of readers don’t know is that the Curse is REAL. Or at least the inspiration for the Curse. It was taken from the true history of an ancient civilization whose males became so power-thirsty (in serving their “gods”) that they ultimately sacrificed every female in their culture until they went extinct! In the series, they are cursed for this atrocity, and the Curse explains the creation of vampires. It is passed down from generation to generation upon the sons of the original males… I have been asked, “Where did you come up with such a theme?” And to me, the question has always been: HOW IN THE WORLD do human beings do such horrific things to one another? Ever? For any reason? The series has allowed me to take this a step further and explore the long-term consequences of love v. hate, revenge v. forgiveness, hope v. hopelessness. I believe that there is a ripple effect to all of our choices, and that love, honor, and hope are greater than any shadow we might choose to embrace. The series plays this out in a fast-paced, entertaining way, with loveable (and “hateable”) characters and some much-needed humor to make it all more palatable. My readers have said, “If you’re looking for a light, easy read, this is probably not your cup of tea. But if you want to feel deeply – laugh, cry, cringe, and finally experience triumph at the end – then the Blood Curse Series will take you there.”
Favorite past time activity? I’m such a homebody…lol. I love to read (surprise ), watch movies, and take long walks in nature. Mostly, I love my kids and my family, and I can get swept away just hanging out and watching them.
a favorite book or author you can recommend (not your own)?and WHY? Like many others, I like JR Ward. I also like Anne Bishop and Karen Marie Moning.
Favorite place to travel to? The mountains – there’s just nothing like the peace and majesty to remind you of your “place” in nature.
What kind of music do you listen too? I listen to all kinds of music with extremely varied tastes. I happen to have a special love for violin and cello, but I can also get into electric guitar…and a whole lot of bass. ;-)
And finally where can we find your books?(please include any links you want including buy links) You can read more about my books, including excerpts and the first few chapters, on my website: www.TessaDawn.Com In the United States, you can also find them at
Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Shadows-Curse-Series-ebook/dp/B00BL6R7P8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1362507014&sr=8-1&keywords=blood+shadows
BarnesandNoble.com http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/blood-shadows-tessa-dawn/1114319770?ean=9781937223069
Outside of the US, you can order them from the Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/Blood-Shadows-Tessa-Dawn/9781937223069 The series in order… Blood Destiny Blood Awakening Blood Possession Blood Shadows
Well I know I learned a lot and have added to our TBR list. I hope you all have had fun as well as well. Thanks you again Tessa for coming and talking with me here on JBR. I hope you had fun and I hope to see you again. Good Luck and wishing you lots of success!
Thanks for having me, Julie! I wish you endless success with your blog…
Julie Ramsey ADM JBR
I have read, Tessa Dawn , Angus Day, Valerie Douglas, John Hundley, R.E. Butler. The rest will go to my TBR Pile. I can not pick any as my most interested in as They are all Great in their own way!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading your books =)
ReplyDeleteI want all of Tessa Dawns book in hard copy and signed!! Thats my goal for the year..lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for explaining the difference between paranormal fantasy and dark fantasy. The series sounds great. It'll be on my TBR list definitely (unless I win it, heh heh).
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of those authors. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read these authors (that I know of, when I first started reading I didn't pay attention to author names. LOL)Tessa and I have the same idea of a favorite past time. great interview ladies.
ReplyDeletetheresa f
I've not read these authors before; I'm behind!