
Lia Davis Blurb & Bio

Forgotten Visions By Lia Davis

Book Blurb

Kalissa Bradenton isn't your average coffee shop owner. Born to an elite witch bloodline with a rare genetic mutation, she'd a Divinity on a mission. The death of her parents sends her away from her Maxville, Florida, home and into an ancient war between witches and demons. When childhood friend Ayden Daniels comes to her aid after an almost fatal accident, visions of a past she doesn't remember, sparks an old flame and new desires. With the past slowly becoming clearer, she eagerly sets her sights on mending Ayden's heart and gaining his trust-until a ghost from her past returns to claim her as his demonic mate.

Ayden, the new Sheriff of Maxville and grandson of the oldest living Divinity, is investigating a series of divinity killings. When he comes face-to-face with the one woman he hopes to have little to no contact with, old pain rises, quickly followed by anger and resentment. through his rare power of adaptability, he learns actions form the past may not be what they seem. Hope fills his broken heart and determination pushes him to do whatever to win Kalissa's heart once more before he loses her forever.

Together they must find the strength to mend their tormented souls, while fighting an evil out to destroy the world.


Ayden Daniel had only been in Charlotte an hour before his cousin, Zach, called with a favor.
No. Not quite a favor. A request that sounded more like a plea.

"You're shittin' me?"

"I'm afraid not. Charlotte PD said it was a hit and run."

Right. "Please tell me she's..."

"She's alive. A bump on the head, but she'll be okay." Zach hesitated before continuing. "I know how you feel about her, but you'll have to go get her."

A muttered curse slipped from his lips at the same time his heart lodged in his throat. "Fine." The word came out in an irritated huff. Ayden hung up and wished he had never answered the damn phone. No, that wasn't completely true. He would never forgive himself if something happened to Kalissa that he could have prevented.

She was the one person he'd hoped to avoid as much as possible when he'd taken his place as Sheriff of Maxville. It wasn't that he disliked her, that was the problem. despite his better judgement and glutton for punishment, he still cared too damn much for the woman. The mere mention of her name made his pulse race with excitement. His body hardened at the thought of seeing her again after fifteen years.  But his mind screamed to walk away. To let her be. Kalissa was trouble, and hazard to his heart. She'd broken it once--torn it right out of his chest---at the age of seventeen.

A human friend had laughed at the mention of their young age and Ayden's claim that she was the only one for him. A mistake on his part to confide in a human and expect to understand magickin children developed at a faster rate. At the age of seventeen, he was as mature as most twenty-five year old humans and fully aware that he had meet his eternal companion.

They were life partners--Magical mates__destined to spend their extended lives together. To Find one at such a young age was a gift.

A gift she stole form him.

Author Bio:

Lia Davis is a mother to two young adults and two very special, equally different kitty cats. She's a wife to her soul mate, who drives her crazy durning editing/revisions. She and her family lives in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very  humid summers. but it's her home and she loves it!

An accounting major, Lia has always been a dreamer with very active imagination. The wheels in her head never stop. Only recently got serious about publishing her work and loves it more that she imagined. Writing a stress reliever that allows her to go off in her corner of the house and enter into another world that she has created, leaving the day job where it belongs.

Her favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, armature and hanging out with her kitties.

Check out the give away to the right of the page ..the raffle copter!   Winner will be announced on Saturday!

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