This story begins in another world where Tegrin is awaiting his concubine, Natiana, she is his only one while other members of his Lion Clan had several. At first he thinks that she is playing a game with him but he soon is informed by his king, King Yorandt that she has found the portal or fracture to our world and she has gone thru. This portal has been a secrete to all except King Yorandt and the Lion Clan who are fierce warriors and are the Guardians of this world. They keep the peace and enforce the laws of Patwain. Tegrin is told by his king that the Couton woman Natiana has escaped from her world into ours because here she and the other Couton women would be free to steal our memoirs and kill us in the process. The Couton
women are a troublesome breeds who only use the males in their world to procreate. They take herbs to ensure that the offspring will be born female. They steal memories like a drug and if they take too much they kill the person whose mind they have tapped into. They are kept in check by the Guardians in Patwain
here on earth they can take their fill. Tegrin makes the journey thru the Fracture which on earth’s side is a cave. He makes it at night in hopes of not running into any humans. You see Tegrin has yellow eyes wild shaggy hair and when he opens his mouth you see canines not unlike those of the big cats of Africa. Using his hunting skills and other worldly senses he tracks the Couton women to there first kill. It is the mother and stepfather of Kristina. Tegrin is surprised by her presence and is forced to make her unconscious and take her with him into the caves. In the town of Blessing is where the fracture opens on to. It is a town of about 3000. The towns’ people have been having collective dreams of angels along with other strange occurrences. And these are the precise dreams that the father of Kristina had been having before he was killed.
women are a troublesome breeds who only use the males in their world to procreate. They take herbs to ensure that the offspring will be born female. They steal memories like a drug and if they take too much they kill the person whose mind they have tapped into. They are kept in check by the Guardians in Patwain
here on earth they can take their fill. Tegrin makes the journey thru the Fracture which on earth’s side is a cave. He makes it at night in hopes of not running into any humans. You see Tegrin has yellow eyes wild shaggy hair and when he opens his mouth you see canines not unlike those of the big cats of Africa. Using his hunting skills and other worldly senses he tracks the Couton women to there first kill. It is the mother and stepfather of Kristina. Tegrin is surprised by her presence and is forced to make her unconscious and take her with him into the caves. In the town of Blessing is where the fracture opens on to. It is a town of about 3000. The towns’ people have been having collective dreams of angels along with other strange occurrences. And these are the precise dreams that the father of Kristina had been having before he was killed.
Fracture was an extremely entertaining book. I loved the slow way the author lets us into
the true identity of Kristina’s heritage. The world of Patwain is very well developed. There
are back stories to the characters and the women of Couton could have their own
book to reflect there culture and customs. As the intrigue and conflict that envelope Patwain
become more evident you get pulled more and more into this world of Kings and concubines, fierce worriers and the pull and tug for power. Along he way our heroes are helped and hindered by
both external forced the work against them as well as their refusal to accept their own destinies.
If you like exploring other worlds that are well developed this book will definitely entertain.
the true identity of Kristina’s heritage. The world of Patwain is very well developed. There
are back stories to the characters and the women of Couton could have their own
book to reflect there culture and customs. As the intrigue and conflict that envelope Patwain
become more evident you get pulled more and more into this world of Kings and concubines, fierce worriers and the pull and tug for power. Along he way our heroes are helped and hindered by
both external forced the work against them as well as their refusal to accept their own destinies.
If you like exploring other worlds that are well developed this book will definitely entertain.
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