
Cynthia Wicklund

   In The Garden Of Temptation
   Lady Catherine Bourgeault has been stuck in a loveless marriage for the past 7 years and has often felt lonely.  Her husband has always been odd but lately his behavior has been growing increasingly worrisome.  He invites men to their house for visits and demands that she is to wear dresses that he has selected, dresses that leave no room for modesty.  She is constantly humiliated.  Then Baron Bourgeault brings Adam Stanford, Earl of Ashworth, to their home under the guise of selling his pride pair of  matching greys.  Soon the Earl is wondering at what the Baron is really after, since it seems apparent that he is not about selling the horses.  The man seems to be flaunting his wife under the Earls nose at every chance.  Soon Lady Catherine and the Earl are having an affair.  Does her husband know,  did he place Catherine in the Earls way so often on purpose,  does he have motive for the way he has treated his wife by making her dress as a trollop in front of the men he would invite to their house?  What could he possibly be up to???
   Review:  This book is a historical romance with a lot of twists and turns that kept me interested throughout.  I feel like the story flowed well without a bunch of back story or unnecessary information that isn't pertinent to the story.  Once I started reading,  I didn't want to put it down.  And even though there is plenty of passion between the two main characters, there is only a small amount of sexual display.  I really enjoyed this book and easily recommend it to everyone who likes romance novels.
Theresa F.
5 of 5 stars

1 comment:

  1. Well done review, Theresa. I enjoy a good romance that feel neccessary to explain... everything. I think I'll read Cynthia's book.


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