
Lila Shaw interview part #2

Here is the second part of the interview with Lila Shaw. Contest is still going come on and post and follow to win! Will announce the winner Saturday everyone good luck!

Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?

Be humble and accepting of the cold cruel reality that you're not as good as you think you are. But take comfort in the idea that you have an infinite capacity to improve the more open-minded, hard-working and persistent you are.

Of your published books out,  is there a  favorite? Favorite scene? Favorite Character?
Would you want to meet that character in real life?

Oooh, that's sort of like choosing amongst your children. My books are very different from each other so what I say today could be totally different tomorrow. That said, I'd crown Soul of the Succubus as my favorite. I do love all my succubus tales and have a lot more planned. Scene-wise, I like all the dream sequences in All's Fair--they still make me laugh--and this one scene from Soul of the Succubus where the hero tricks the heroine into a bit of foolish behavior.  As to favorite characters, Yve from Soul of the Succubus is a favorite for her droll outlook. I love Ta from the same story for his nearly opposite demeanor. Cory from Prometheus Unstitched is my favorite curmudgeon. Chrissy, the succubus from Naughty and Nice (Stockings and Suspenders Christmas anthology) is a goofy one whose upbeat attitude always made me smile. I wouldn't mind meeting Ta from Soul or Joe from Last Call for Love, my Halloween anthology story. Told you I'd have a hard time choosing!

While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters? Anything in your books that is based on real life?

I also write as Claire Gillian. My debut novel under that pen name, a romantic mystery called The P.U.R.E., featured a newly hired CPA named Gayle Lindley. Maybe it was the first person perspective of the story, but Gayle has always "felt" a lot like me. She's a composite of many of my own life experiences or those of people I knew when I first started my career as a CPA. Shelby from All's Fair is also drawn from my work experiences, though she's a lot prettier and sexier than I could ever hope to be. LOL 

What would that character say to your readers?

Gayle would say, "I'm a lot cuter, thinner and smarter in real life!"

Do you have any new books coming out? Any interesting tid bits we  can expect, sex, violence, romance, mayhem….

I'm working pretty diligently to build a backlist and since April (between my two pen names), I've published two novels, two novellas, two short stories and two anthologies. My most recent acceptance is a second succubus short story for Evernight's Romance on the Go line. My evil plan is to release a series of these short stories, all about succubi, all part of my Succubus Chronicles. Most are already written but will need to be expanded somewhat to reach the minimum length. Evernight will eventually compile them into a single print book. They don't know this yet, of course, and I'll have to sell enough books to make it happen, but that's the short-term master plan. As would be expected of any story about a succubus, they will definitely be on the steamy side!

Well you already have one person who will be buying that book!

Do you have anything specific you would like to tell or share with your future readers and followers?

As a new author I love to hear from readers, even if it's just to say, "hey there, read your book." Word of mouth and referral is the greatest gift you can give an author whose works you enjoyed. This is a tough and highly competitive business, and authors constantly face smackdowns and disappointments.  As I wrote in my very first published book's dedication, "Encouragement from any source is like a drop of rain upon a parched desert. Thanks to all the many who rained on me when I needed it, and even when I foolishly thought I didn't."

Where can everyone find your books? What social media sites are you on besides Julie’ Book Review?
Bookseller sites:
Social Media:
 Website  Twitter  Facebook  Goodreads Email

Lets do something fun!

E-reader or paperback


Chocolate or strawberry

Chocolate (though I'm a crazy fool for fresh strawberries)

Pizza or Hamburger


Reading fiction or non fiction

Fiction, hands down.

Favorite book of all time

Argh...The Cliff Notes Guide to the Most Dog-eared Scenes from the Greatest Books of All Time? Just kidding....sort of.

Favorite author of all time

Double argh...It's always changing, to be honest. I've gone gaga in the past over Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew), Margaret Mitchell, Diana Gabaldon, Jane Austen, Victoria Holt, Mary Stewart, Loretta Chase, Charlaine Harris, Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Erma Bombeck, etc, etc, etc.

Dogs  or cats


Lila Shaw is giving away a copy of her latest release, a superhero romance novella, Prometheus Unstitched. To win please check out the rafflecopter to the right of the page, don't forget to put your e-mail in the post.   Good luck!

Thanks Lila and it has been a pleasure talking with you! We hope you have great success in the future.

Thank you, Julie and thank you to all your readers!

Julie Ramsey


  1. I love this author and this is a fun and spicy read! Loved th interview, thanks! :)

  2. Really like reading this interview. looking forward to part 3.

  3. Hay Julie Reece check out the rafflecopter and try to win the free book I am glad you both enjoyed the interview. Paula this one has 2 parts. but I have 3 more reviews to to release! 2 tomorrow and the giveaway book review Friday!

  4. Hey Lila! Your second act was just as good as your first! But I have to admit, I had you pegged as a dog person. :)


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