First why don't you tell us a little about yourself?
Newest release? Fools' Paradise, shortly to be followed by An Ecstatic Rendezvous.
What can we expect from your stories, action, drama, romance,sex, blood and guts? Drama and Romance - my work is literary and non-explicit; it has been categorised as 'soft vanilla'
Do you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and Why? Selene, the heroine of Self's Blossom, because she is so phsyically and psychologically fascinating
How about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you? There is a malignant character in my Darlene story, necessary for the narrative but most unpleasant
Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series: My next book, An Ecstatic Rendezvous, has an element of autobiography
Has there been any other authors who have inspired your work or helped you out with your stories? Anais Nin
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful? Tell all their friends about it
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published? Persevere
Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s work? Ben Okri - because he blends fiction with poetry
Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it memorable? It was memorable because of its confusion, coming from my first struggles
Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your works? Both from memory and imagination
Do you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories you would like to share?
Favorite places to travel or visit?
And now, before you go, how about a snippet from your book that is meant to intrigue and tantalize us:( Include links to were we can find your work)
she was on a beach, pure and simple. Now the sea breathed heavily, whispering
and murmuring to her. It was returning her stare, speaking to her. It was
the spirit of love, beckoning her with a pulsing, sinewy body. In all its
lines, shades, and fleeting forms, Selene saw the essence of pure beauty,
all grace of form, flesh, limb and feature. It was in one, all the lovers
of whom she could possibly dream, conflated into one elemental ideal. He,
pure love in soul, bade her to enter his domain and make it hers. His arms
moved her hands to unclasp, unbutton, and unzip . . . the blossom emerged.
The sun became the eye of all that was not earth, and Selene loved fully,
though the pallor of her skin left her momentarily abashed.
At first she lay in the tide's path, the top of her head at its most extreme mark. The sand bank made a soft bed. The sea lover smoothly caressed her calves, thighs, hips, breasts, shoulders, and cheeks before retreating to pause in his mossy pinnacles. Three times this action was repeated, and then Selene stood up, wading in with arms outstretched. Her arms were linked, as she stood up to her neck in the saline flow. The balls and heels of her feet wobbled, slithering on the moss. With the next wave, she lost her balance – her breath prepared in unison with the hissing around her. She threw her head back, once again horizontal, and launched into a backstroke, sweeping and circling. She parted her legs wide with each thrust of motion, each sweep of self-propulsion pushing out to answer the cavernous currents of his passion. Seven circles gave her a delicious, warm bliss –then the sea lover, well pleased, carried her back to a near-dry bed. Aching and contented, Selene dozed a while.
Self's Blossom eBook: David Russell: Kindle Store › Books › Romance › Westerns

Thanks for coming and visiting with us. We wish you great success.
Julie Ramsey
Thanks for coming and visiting with us. We wish you great success.
Julie Ramsey
This looks interesting. I enjoyed reading everything here. There is so much on this blog, a girl could get totally lost in it! Halloween will be upon us soon. I 'm not really into Halloween and I don't like scary stuff. I think the scariest thing I ever read was "Carrie" . That was enough for me!