
Christine Feehan

The Dark Series

Her Vampire series was one of the 1st ADULT book i had read. If you can read them in order because these is a story with in the story, that you may not fully get if you read them out of order.  Saying that you can read them out of order or as singles but....you will not get the full experience.  The Carpathian's are a race of long lived Vampires (nice ones general) who are slowly dying out as a species. There women are having fewer and fewer babies and what ones that are living are boys.  There men grow up and at about the 200yr mark they lose there sense of color and feeling.  These things only come back to them if they find there lifemate.  If they can not hold out until they find there lifemate.  They can get feeling back in killing while feeding. BUT by doing so they lose there sole forever and become vampires who hunt and pray on humans. The Carpathian's who are waiitng for their lifemates, fight these vampires to help save the unknowning humans. In  the 1st book Dark Prince ..the Price of the Carpathian people is about to give up and go to the dawn (sun light kills).  Until he hears a voice and knows he has found him lifemate. She is a human but with some extra abilities. The love story is great and learning about this world you just can't wait to see who finds who next. LOTS of books in this series!! over 20 in the series so far...Pace yourself and take breaks but a wonderful series!

Drake Sister series

7 daughters born from  the 7th daughter of the previous genration all with magically gifts. These are stories of love, loss and famliy.  They are what I would consider "witches" but i use the term loosley.  There are 7 books each sister finds who she is suppose to be with and adventure, action and a little sex begin. I would LOVE to be part of this family. Warning you will cry in these books. They do continue 2 more in a spin off series that is good but I like the Drake sisters a little better.

Leopard series

Make leopard shifter hunts bad guys, comes across female who does not know she is a leopard and usually goes into heat!  It is a ok series. Some really good action and a decent love story worth the a read but I like her other work better.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of her books. I agree, reading the dark series in order is very necessary to get the full effect. There is another series too, I think it is called Ghost Walkers. I loved this series too. The Ghost Walkers are soldiers that have been experimented on and as a result each has some form of power. The first book does a lot of establishing the history. There is a second group of women that were all adopted as babies, and also experimented on by the same man. These experiments are conducted in a secret home laboratory. The series is the bringing together of the two groups and how they cope with the secrets they uncover. Totally great series. Very adult.


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