First why don't you tell us a little about yourself?
Well, I am an Indian, born and brought up in the beautiful 'tea-state' of Assam, India. I went for my bachelor course in Chemical Engineering to BITS Goa, India.
I was in Thailand for my internship for about 6 months. Later for my post graduation studies I went to ETH Zurich, Switzerland in 2010.
It was during that period that I began penning down The Seventh Cup (my debut mystery novel). I love travelling (pretty evident, isn't it? Assam, Goa, Thailand, Switzerland--Yes my past 26 years have been spent in these tourist destinations) and photography. I still have to decide whether I resort to full time writing (Since writing is my passion, I am not so keen into making it my profession. I guess its better the way it is right now.:)
Newest release?

As I mentioned, The Seventh Cup is my debut novel and so its the newest release.
What can we expect from your stories, action, drama, romance,sex, blood and guts?
I like romance with a tinge of mystery. The Seventh Cup has both these elements in abundance and a lot more.
Do you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and Why?
As far as my first Novel is concerned, the character of Susanne Wanner (An American crime detective agent) is my personal favorite simply because she is not portrayed as the quintessential detective. There is an emotional element connected to her character that makes it even more endearing.
Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series:
An interesting fact? Hhhmm well, Some of the characters in the novel are real life characters and in some occasions even the real names have been taken. (Of course after taking due permissions :)
Has there been any other authors who have inspired your work or helped you out with your stories?
Its Rhonda Byrne's The Secret that served as an inspiration to my debut novel.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
I think 'word of mouth' is the best way to publicize a novel. If the reader likes the novel, he or she may as well speak about it to their friends, relatives and colleagues.
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published?
For readers who are looking forward to read the Seventh Cup, it is advisable to read the entire novel in one sitting, being a thriller. For budding writers, my advise would be never give up and keep trying. Have faith in whatever you are writing. Rest will follow.
Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s work?
Dan Brown is the current favorite. I think the author has the amazing ability to connect with the reader so much so that the reader finds himself lured into the plot and sometimes even becomes part of it.
Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it memorable?
I remember writing an essay for an English Language exam in my sixth standard. The essay was a mysterious tale and the teacher was quite impressed.
Do you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories you would like to share?
I think, day to day experiences, people who are connected to our lives, events happening around, all of them can be a source of inspiration.
Apart from writing, I love travelling and photography.
Favorite places to travel or visit?
I have visited Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy and Austria. I am looking forward to visit Nordic countries, Turkey and few East European nations. So far I loved the Swiss beauty and the French aura.
And now, before you go, how about a snippet from your book that is meant to intrigue and tantalize us:( Include links to were we can find your work)
A snippet?..Ok here it goes:
“May I accompany you, maybe for a drink?”
She was dressed in a dazzling blue gown and looked as if she just
stepped out of a marriage reception. Her lustrous green eyes and her
dimpled cheeks and that unforgettable smile reminded me of a beautiful
view of San Salvatore in Lugano, a city in southern Switzerland. Lush
green valley surrounding the lake under the blue sky and sparkling
sunshine adding more galore to the enchanting scene, memories of
Lugano suddenly erupted in the inner core of my heart.
She must be the epitome of beauty that Switzerland has in abundance,
I debated. Beauty personified in front of my eyes, I concluded.
I came back from Lugano and responded with a cheerful grin, “Of
course, please have a seat.”
“You look occupied.”
“Well, not really.” I lied.
My lie was very evident. Anyone, after surveying those 7 cups, a
laptop, a notebook and with a pen tightly gripped between my fingers,
could easily deduce that I was lying. But how often do you encounter a
figure of extreme beauty in front of you and refrain from lying? I
(The Seventh Cup-Chapter 1)
Here is the link for Author's Bio:
Here is the link from GoodReads:
Here is the link for reviews from Indian readers:
Here is the link for Author's Website:
Here is the YouTube teaser of the Novel:
Here is the Facebook Page of the Novel
Here is the Author's Facebook Page

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