We are thrilled to have you visiting today.
-Hello! Thank you for having me.
With the huge giveaway going on what item are you offering to our wonderful
-I am offering my second novel, Bound To A Highlander. This book will have you
wishing for a highlander of your own, even if it means putting up with his he-man
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
-Sure! I grew up in a small Texas town where, stereotypically, everyone knows
everyone. I have an older brother, but we are ten years apart, so growing up it
was much like being an only child. I had plenty of friends, however, and I can
remember even back then I was the one making up the storyline our makebelieve play would follow. I remember "writing" my first story in kindergarten. It
seems I was always meant for this and I've fallen happily in-love with what I do.
As for everything else, I'm married and have a young daughter. My husband is in
the military so we move around a lot.
What genres do you like to write?
-Anything romance. I used to prefer historicals, wouldn’t have been caught dead
picking up a contemporary. However, recently I've turned over a new leaf with
my series Bound By Honor. I think Janet Evanovich's One for the Money stirred
something there.
What is your newest release?
-Perfect Stranger, the first Bound By Honor novella. This novel hit online stores
with a bang, climbing Amazon's bestseller list in less than 24 hours and stayed in
the top 100 for a month after release. I've very proud of this one.
What are you working on right now?
-Right now I'm wrapping up a project I've put together specifically for the fall
holidays coming up. It's something entirely different for me. A bit erotic, these
characters and stories were unexpected, but I really wanted to do something that
would be a tie-in for Halloween. The last short story in the group sets the premise
for a series I plan on starting in the near future. However, I wouldn’t say this title
will be included with the coming series.
Any future projects you can hint about?
-Well, I won't say much at this point, because I know how things progress
and tend to warp from original plots while writing a story, but I am headed into
another contemporary as early as next week. I plan to keep my focus on two
(very different) series for probably the next few years.
As a writer can you give aspiring authors any advice or some of your wisdom??
-1. Set your standards and goals high. "Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only
has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals." –Aristotle
And expect not to get there immediately and effortlessly. But, if you maintain a
clear path, you'll get there.
2. Keep writing. The first (unpublished) novel I wrote was not my best to say the
least. It was awful. I learned a lot from it though and with every book thereafter.
The Pursuit for Love had four versions before I got it right. So, "If at first you don't
succeed, Try, try, try again." W.E. Hickson.
If you could meet one character from your books who would it be and why?
-That is a really tough question! I'm going to go with Chloe Burgess (Perfect
Stranger). I think we would have a lot in common.
Are there any other people or authors that have inspired you or helped you along
the way?
-Well, I think a lot of authors start off by being inspired by those they read. And
like them, Johanna Lindsey first inspired me when I began reading her novels,
then came Karen Moning, and Julia London.
On a more personal level, years ago, Author Suzie Grant found me floundering
along, determined to write my own way, and getting nowhere fast. I can honestly
say, without her pulling me into a critique group of dedicated authors, I wouldn’t
be published. I really learned a lot there.
It goes without saying, don't ignore help when it is offered and don’t try to buck
a well-established system. Everyone starts at the bottom and no head-hopping
rules apply, well, until you become famous of course and then I suppose you can
write gibberish without punctuation and still sell.
How about some fun stuff?
What is you fav activity besides writing?
Do you own any pets?
-A few months ago we adopted a notorious toe-biting kitten that is determined to
persuade me that she is really an indoor kind of cat (but that's not happening).
I also have a turtle I rescued from a parking lot when he was no bigger than a
Fav place to travel?
-Ooh! Another hard one there. I love to travel and I've been many places. How
about the most recent. My family and I went to Savanna Georgia earlier this
summer. Great place, loads of history. If you're ever there I highly recommend
the Pirates House and Clary's!
Fav author you can recommend to our readers?(can have more than one)
-As mentioned above; Johanna Lindsey, Karen Marie Moning, and Julia London.
Fav book (same question as above)
-The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning
Where can we find you and your books (include links)
-Typically, I can best be reached via Facebook at: https://www.facebook.co
Website: www.kerripatterson.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KerriMPatterson
Thank you for coming to JBR. I enjoyed talking to you and we hope to see you
again here on Julies Book Review.
-Thank you for having me!
Thanks for the insightful interview and look forward to reading Kerri Patterson's books.