
Interview of Becca Jameson

  • Interview for Julies Book Review

    First welcome to JBR! We are so happy to be visiting with you today.

    We are having a give away going on for Sept. What item are you giving away? (Anyone can win the item by going to the rafflecopter on the right hand side of the pg.) 

    Fire in the Smokies, Book 2 of the Durham Wolves series
    Product Details
    First why don't you tell us a little about yourself? 

    Well, I'm about 5'4"... Oh, that's not what you had in mind... :) I live in Atlanta with my family and a Golden Doodle puppy I'm currently about to strangle. I write full time, except when I'm tweeting, facebooking, shopping, running, and driving kids around. So, I guess I write part time.

    Newest release? 

    Fire in the Smokies with Samhain Publishing

    What can we expect from your stories, action, drama, romance,sex, blood and guts? 

    Most of them have wolf shifters and they are sexy sexy!

    Do you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and Why? 

    Hmmm, well, I'm pretty fond of my heroine from Out of the Smoke. It's really my favorite work, even though it's contemporary and hasn't sold well. I love the guts that woman had!

    How about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you? 

    Oh, that darn vampire from the Durham Wolves series really gets under my skin.

    Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series: 

    Yes, I write a lot of menage. No, my husband is not a wolf and there is only one of him!

    Has there been any other authors who have inspired your work or helped you out with your stories?

    Mackenzie McKade was a huge help to me when I first started. She's a gem. And my current main champion is Lea Griffith. That woman rocks when it comes to my self esteem!

    What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful? 

    Hmm, tell their friends!

    Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published? 

    Write what you love most! The rest will fall into place.

    Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s work? 

    Oh, I adore Jodi Picoult. Her ability to write an entire book in multiple first person is phenomenal. And her stories always drag me in and shock me.

    Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it memorable? 

    Blind with Love was the first thing I wrote. I wasn't a writer until that day. Never wrote a word. Unlike most authors, I do not have a stash of childhood works. It was a trial!

    Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your works? 

    Usually from staring at the sky on my lounge chair.

    Do you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories you would like to share? 

    I scrapbook. I run. I try to train that wild dog beast who runs the house and just ate my sandwich!

    Favorite places to travel or visit? 

    Love Spain.

    And now, before you go, how about a snippet from your book that is meant to intrigue and tantalize us:( Include links to were we can find your work)

  • Dropping the pouch from his mouth, Jaxon lifted his head and took a deep breath. Immediately he dropped his gaze and blinked. His eyes burned from the smoke he’d run through. His vision had not yet cleared.
    He panted, letting his tongue hang out. One thing was clear. There was most assuredly a human in this cave.
    And…that human was his mate.
    Jaxon couldn’t move. He couldn’t see yet either. And that aggravated him more than anything. His ears were ringing, keeping him from concentrating.
    Was his mate the missing firefighter? A man?
    He backed up a step. Took several short breaths. His head twitched back and forth as though in denial. He couldn’t stop it. He’d never once considered himself attracted to men. Maybe there was a woman in the cave also? Another deep inhale.
    Nope, one scent. Faint, but just the one. Not particularly identifiable.
    God, let there be someone else hiding in a cave today besides a fireman.
    A missing hiker? What were the chances?
    His vision began to clear. He blinked back the smoky film causing him to squint and stepped farther into the cave.
    Do I have some latent subconscious tendencies toward men I was unaware of? Why on earth would my mate be a man?
    A gasp made him jerk his gaze to the left. Movement. Shuffling. Deep wheezing breaths. A flash of yellow. More movement. Scampering.
    Jaxon approached gingerly. His paws made almost no sound as he inched forward. He stopped.
    The fireman sat, hunkered really, against the wall. His boots scraped the hard-packed ground in front of him in desperation as if he could perhaps push himself through the solid rock behind his back if he could get enough purchase.
    Jaxon tipped his head to one side. His brain scrambled. The fireman was covered from head to toe with flame-retardant clothing. Soot covered the yellow, almost completely obscuring any evidence of color. Even his face was covered—goggles, a mask, helmet.
    No wonder Jaxon could barely scent the man.
    He hesitated. Considered running from his destiny. What the hell was he going to tell his brothers? His mate was a fireman? Could he be mistaken?
    Crap. Jaxon suddenly focused on his error. He was in wolf form. The guy was freaking petrified because a wolf had entered his hideout. Jaxon had been so focused on finding evidence of a human in the area, he hadn’t thought further. Adrenaline pumping, he’d concentrated only on the remote hope someone was alive in this cave.
    And here he was, standing on four paws, staring down a fireman as though he intended to eat him.
    Jaxon shivered, shook his entire body as he would after being caught in the rain.
    He had to shift before the man had a heart attack. This wasn’t the way he ever planned to reveal himself to anyone. Hell, he’d never shifted in front of another human in his life, with the exception of Sergius’s mate, Juliana.
    It couldn’t be helped. And besides, whatever weirdness fate had in store for him right now, he might as well get the whole I’m-a-wolf-shifter-and-you’ll-have-to-get-over-it thing out of the way now.
    Jaxon didn’t take his eyes off the frightened firefighter. Bones popped, limbs lengthened, hair receded. In moments Jaxon stood before the man, naked…and human.
    The fireman didn’t move a muscle. He appeared to not even be breathing.
    Jaxon cleared his throat. “Sorry. There was no other way.” He knelt in front of the man and held his hands out, palms up. What difference did it make that he was naked? It wasn’t as though the guy hadn’t seen a c*ck before…
    “I think you can breathe in here right now. The air isn’t too bad.” Jaxon reached for the man’s protective helmet with slow calculated movements. He didn’t want to scare the guy to death, but he did want to see what was under the hardhat.
    Jaxon’s hand shook more than he would have liked as he tugged the helmet off. “I didn’t mean to…reveal myself like that. I wasn’t thinking when I came barreling in here looking for you. I—”
    Jaxon froze with the helmet held in midair. Holy mother of God.
    Suddenly the firefighter wasn’t the only one not breathing. Jaxon could feel his heart beating, but he didn’t think he’d ever be able to inhale again in this lifetime.
    Long blond curls fell from the helmet seemingly in slow motion. They cascaded down until they sprang back, bouncing as though they belonged in a photo shoot for some feminine shampoo. Emphasis on the word feminine.
    The helmet slipped from Jaxon’s fingers and landed on the hard ground with a loud clatter. He swallowed. His mouth opened and closed, but no words came out.
    Synapses fired from one side of his head to the other as he made sense of the picture in front of him.
    This was no fireman. This was a woman.
    And she still wasn’t breathing. And his d*ck thanked God she was a she and sprang to life. And, oh…he was naked.

    Links: http://www.amazon.com/Becca-Jameson/e/B007CBQSP6/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1378730078&sr=8-2-ent




     Image of Becca Jameson
    Thanks for coming and visiting with us. I wish you tons of success with your new books and we hope to see you again in the future.
    Julie Ramsey
    ADM JBR 

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