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Ava by Ashley Barron and Kiss the Dead by Laurel K Hamilton....can't wait!


  1. Life is so busy I rely on audio books for the three hour commute to work. Laurel's are entertaining. Can't wait to see what you think. Have a super day Julie.

    1. I love Laurel's books. Have you tried her Merideth Gentry series yet? They are good too. Not as good as Anita. I am about 30% done. will finish tomorrow. Had to finish a review before I finished this one.

  2. Julie. Thank you for sharing. Do you accept requests about book reviews via email, by any chance? My latest release is my first historical fiction A Handful of Blossoms (ISBN 9781471727962), 96 000 words, self-published on Smashwords and Lulu. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/168036 Written in form of a diary, which genre (epistolary, confessional) was so popular in the 18th century and which sounds so comprehensible in our time of blogging, web-diaries and web-journals, the novella may be called a love story. A story of a sixteen-year-old damsel and her weird marriage. Time: 1764, a year after the Seven Years War (this first global military conflict took place much earlier than WWI, and it may be called the First World War, in fact.) Set in Europe, like each of my novels, the story is my fist historical fiction, in which I study the interesting case when a gay man is enforced to get married to a female (dynastic marriage) and what comes of the unnatural act. (Warning: no consensual sex, no sex relationship at all between the spouses.) Julie, are you at LinkedIn either? Join me there http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lara-biyuts/3a/870/bb2 Thanks.

    1. I do requests my e-mail djjramsey@hotmail.com I will need a kindle copy. send the copy with the request and I can add you to my list. My list is getting pretty long(getting requests daily). I am into the end of Aug and maybe into sept. Depends on how much I get through and my work schedule. If you would like to be added please contact me anytime.


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Julie Ramsey & Theresa Fehse
Along with many reviewers (which we could not do this without)