Welcome to Julie's Book Review. Today we have part 1 of our interview with Aimee Martin. Be sure to join us for all 5 days with her. Now, let's get started.......
First why don't you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m just your typical mother and wife who has a hobby. Mine happens to be writing, where I can delve into my own little world that I’ve created and fall in love with the characters that take up most of my time (aside from my family, of course).
When I’m not penning stories for my readers, I can usually be found on our ranch, tending to our chickens and cow, dogs and cat, and any other animal that finds its way to our home. I love to read almost as much as I love to write and I’m always looking for the next great story. Any suggestions?
My newest release is called Forever Treasured and it is the third in my Lake Shores Series (which we’ll call LSS), which is made up of stand-alone novels. It’s inspirational romance with a little suspense thrown in for good measure. Because, really, who doesn’t enjoy some sweet romance that’s interrupted by a villian?
What can we expect from your stories, action, drama, romance,sex, blood and guts?
Like I said, it’s inspirational romance which means that along with the romance, there is an underlying message about faith. My characters struggle with everyday life problems and fight to find their way to their happily ever after.
In Treasured, you have two people who are both divorcees and the victims of adultery. They have a lot of trust issues going into their relationship. But they’re working it out, searching for a place they can come together and have faith that this time, true love will happen for them. But every love comes with a price, doesn’t it? Aaron and Ally, the H/h of Treasured, have a price that could cost them their lives when a stranger in the night, who wants Ally for himself, decides to take their future into his own hands.
Want to know how it plays out? Buy the book!! 
Do you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and Why?
I’ve had many favorite characters in each of my books but Ally and her father are probably my two favorite thus far. Ally is everything I’m not. Petite and brown-haired with a “don’t mess with me” attitude that won’t quit. She gets it from her father, Big Dave, who, aptly named, is a bear of a man willing to go to the ends of the earth to keep his “Punkin” safe. He also has an incredible sweet spot for his wife and it’s hilarious reading about the massive guy who falls to his knees when his little woman is around.
Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series:
They are all related. Seriously.
In book one of the LSS, Forever, Home, you meet the daughter of a family (the Lamberts) who searches for her happy ending with one of her brother's (who gets married in the beginning of the book) best friends.
In book two of the LSS, Forever Grateful, you meet a friend of the daughter who falls for one of the other Lambert brothers.
In book three, Forever Treasured which is my new release, you learn more about the brother that got married in Home. Remember when I said he was a victim of adultery? This is where it plays out… and his story takes him to the mountains of Montana where he takes up residence with a woman who had a brief appearance in Grateful.
This is one of my favorite things about these kinds of series… how all the characters weave together throughout each book. But you don’t have to have read the previous ones to get a clear picture.
Another little fun fact… book one is loosely based on my own happily ever after!
Has there been any other authors who have inspired your work or helped you out with your stories?
I would have to say that Francine Rivers, Nora Roberts, Julie Garwood and Patricia Cornwell have been my biggest influences. Their styles of weaving a good description into their tales have set a bar for me to try to obtain daily.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
Review. Review, review, review! And of course, spread the word to their friends. So many people think that their one review isn't really going to make a difference. But believe me, they do. Every single one of them matter and I honestly enjoy reading what people have to say. That means the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s all important.
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published?
Write! You can’t publish if you don't write something. I hear all the time when someone finds out I write books, “I’ve always wanted to do that.” And I always ask them, “So why don’t you?” If it’s really something your passionate about, then do it and don’t let anyone stop you from it. And another, equally important, is to not let anyone who hears that you self-publish (if that’s that route you’re taking) tell you that you're not a real author then. You put in the work, your format and market and pimp your book. You are definitely an author!!
Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s work?
I mentioned a few above. But just to change it up, I also love Kathleen Woodiwiss (RIP), Kat Martin and Lori Foster. I so enjoy the way they make a story come alive with each scene. If a book can draw me in to the point that when it’s time to fix dinner, I tell my husband and kids they’re on the own, then they’ve done something right. And these authors hit it out of the park almost every time for me.
Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it memorable?
When I was about 7 or 8, a wrote a short story called Skateboard Granny. It was about my granny who rode a skateboard all through town and was the envy of every kid on the block because she had some bad@ss moves. I think the reason it's still so memorable to me is because it was from the heart. At that young of an age, it’s always going to be so brutally honest in your soul and those words still bounce off the page for me.Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
A lot of my inspiration comes from everyday people… it could be someone I pass on the street or a friend I’ve known for twenty years. In other words, no one is safe! 
And then there are days where I feel like someone with multiple personality disorder because I have all these voices in my head just waiting to get out and have their own story told. It’s a really cool feeling to know that the characters that spend months of primping in my head come out on paper. And that others enjoy their company.
Join us tomorrow for part 2 of our interview with Aimee Martin
Aimee Martin
Inspirational Romance Author
The Lake Shores Series
Inspirational Romance Author
The Lake Shores Series
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