
Review of The Hunted by Virginia McKevitt

The Secret Enemy Saga

The Hunted
by Virginia McKevitt

New Orleans better watch out, there is a new threat and it isn't the weather.  The Couton have made their way to the city and are making themselves at home.  And it is up to Tegin and Kristina, along with their friends, Sissy and Jimmy, to rid the famous city of its newest members before the body count rises.

Review:  This is book 2 in The Secret Enemy Saga.  This is a fast paced, paranormal mystery, centered on the Couton and those hunting them, Tegrin and Kristina.  In this book, they are helped by Sissy and Jimmy who's story is sweet.  Jimmy is an ex marine who has seen his share of killing.  But he knows that Sissy has a soft heart and tries to protect her from  the  more graphic things along the way.  But what I enjoyed most was the continuing story of Kristina and the relationship between her and Tegrin.  I like that the author is able to keep the story going without me thinking, is this story ever going to end, but instead I cant wait to see what happens next.   it really was a good, fast paced adventure. So, if you like paranormal mystery this is certainly the book (or books) for you.

Theresa F

5 of 5 stars

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