
Day 1 Intro to Non-Fiction and Childrens feature

Julies Book Review would like to Introduce our first ever Non-Fiction and Children's author feature. This feature will run from today to the 29th. Each of the 7 authors will be featured for 2 days. Because JBR is normally a site for FICTION (YA-Adult-Erotica), the Non-Fiction and Children's genre's get turned away. I am trying to change that and help even more authors reach more viewers/readers. So come on out and help me help these wonderful amazing authors find some more readers. You never know when you may find a new favorite author.

There is a $50 Amazon gift card up for grabs PLUS each of the authors are giving away a book. Hope to see you all participate in the wonderful event.


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Julie's Book Review

Hello, all my followers, visitors, and guests. Welcome to Julies Book Review. This is a site dedicated to helping authors and readers alike. Readers to find new authors and stories and authors to find new readers. For authors please contact me if you are interested in low cost promotion at juliesbookreview@gmail.com. I accommodate where I can. Readers please go through and search the blog. We have been active here for a while. Hundreds on authors, stories and genres to choose from. We have everything from sci-fi, erotica, romance, contemporary, mystery and horror. And nothing gets on this site without a 3 out 5 star rating minimum. I have several reviewers that read different genres. If you are interested in reviewing for me and the site please contact me at the above email. I hope you enjoy the site. I look forward to meeting and talking with you all.

Julie Ramsey & Theresa Fehse
Along with many reviewers (which we could not do this without)