Character interview of Clay from Hope(less): Book One of the Judgement of the Six, by author MelissaHaag
A knock sounds at the door. Melissa scrambles to tuck the latest novel she’s reading under a sofa
cushion and then runs to answer the door. Melissa peeks out the door and finds a scruffy looking man
staring back. The afternoon interviewee has arrived. His longish hair partially covers his eyes, and a
beard covers his face. Despite his dubious appearance, she opens the door with a smile.
Melissa: Hi! Come on in. **steps aside and motions Clay in.**
Clay nods in greeting and enters.
Melissa: Please have a seat. **motions Clay to sit and takes a seat across from him in her slightly dusty
living room.**
Melissa: I was so excited you agreed to this interview. After finishing Hope(less), I have so many
questions for you. Can I get you anything to drink before we start?
Clay declines with a shake of his head.
Melissa: ** leans back into her chair and picks up a pad of paper to take notes.** Tell me, what did you
think of Gabby when you first saw her?
Clay smiles slightly. His whisker’s twitch.
Clay: Pretty.
Melissa waits for a few seconds for Clay to say more, clears her throat, then moves on when he remains
Melissa: What exactly happened that night you brought her back to the compound? I’m really curious
about the leaves in her hair.
Clay shifts uncomfortably and shrugs.
Clay: Distraction.
Melissa: **blinks at his taciturn response.** Let’s talk about your favorite color. Why pink?
Clay: **grins wickedly and shrugs.** Bikini.
Melissa: Oh? **leans forward anticipating more detail, but is left waiting. Stifling a groan of
frustration, moves on to the next question.** What made you decide to get a job from Dale?
Clay: **gives a full grin, showing teeth. His eyes crinkle at the corners.** Opportunity.
Melissa: **the sexy smile evokes memories of several scenes from Hope(less). Melissa shakes herself,
and barely avoids sighing in a dreamy fashion.** What did you think of Gabby’s attempts to get rid of
Clay: **a quick laugh escapes him.** Expected.
Melissa: **looks down at the blank note paper and scowls briefly before returning her focus to Clay.** I
don’t want to give anything away for anyone who hasn’t read Hope(less), but tell me… how do you feel
about how the book ended?
Clay: **the heart-melting smile returns.** Satisfied.
Melissa: **desperate for something to put to paper, asks a simple yes or no question.** Have you
shaved for Gabby yet?
Clay shrugs enigmatically.
Melissa: Do you have any insight what will happen in the next installment of the series?
Clay shakes his head.
Melissa: Will we learn anything more about Gabby’s abilities?
Clay shrugs.
Melissa: **tries a different approach.** Now that Hope(less) is finished, what do you plan to do?
Clay: Wait.
Melissa: **makes a show of looking at her watch.** Well, look at the time! **Stands and extends
hand.** I appreciate your time and your succinct answers. **leads Clay to the door.**
Clay nods and exits.
Melissa returns to the couch, digs out her Novel where the men actually speak in complete sentences,
and escapes into another world.
Discover a riveting world of werewolves and young women with unexplained abilities, in Hope(less).
In a world filled with people, Gabby is uniquely alone. The tiny sparks she sees in her mind confirm it. A
chance encounter leads her closer to answers she's struggled to find and into a hidden society where fur
is optional. There she meets Clay. Is he her salvation or her curse?
As if he isn’t enough to deal with, problems compound when other werewolves, ones with abnormally
colored sparks, begin to stalk her.
Instead of gaining answers, her list of questions is growing. What do the other uniquely colored sparks
mean? Is she not as alone as she thought?

About the Judgement series:
For over a millennia, we thought we were alone. Now, we’ve learned the truth. Six women are reborn
every one thousand years to bring us a message: We are being judged.
Humans have ruled the earth by the grace of the Judgements. Our prosperity has been the downfall for
the werewolves and urbat, and the urbat refuse to stand aside for another millennia.
The time for Judgement has come again.
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Twitter: @imagine2live
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