Lost Innocence Breaking Point (part 2)
Simon Palmer
from part 1, The Accused . . . . Micheal is still in Thailand, he is
still waking up in a dirty, stinky, over crowed prison. His grandfather,
Micheal is still claiming his innocence and staying out his 12 days
till he is released. Michael's grandfather Nigel, was once a successful
lawyer, who is enjoying retirement. After receiving a call that Stan,
Michael's dad was in an accident, he has no choice but to hop a plane.
Nigel is determined to get to the bottom of this nightmare.
soon finds more than he bargains for and does not give up till he finds
the one person that can help them. . . . . But will it be enough and
will be to late . . . .
Palmer blew me away with this novel. His
writing flowed and the pages turned quickly. I laughed at Stan's
unending ways of screwing up and cried as Michael sat trying to cope in
those awful prison situations. Nigel by far is was my favorite
character. Nigel was brave and did all he could for the love of his
grandson. We sacrifice so must for those we love. . . .
Wonderful, Outstanding NOVEL ! ! I can not wait to read the sequel ! ! ! ! !

Wende :)
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