Diaries of the Damned
Alex Laybourne
In Norwich many will go to bed on a normal night and wake thinking its a normal day . . . .but what they soon discover is not like any book or movie they have ever read or seen.
Norwich has a bad
flu epidemic, one that is a fast acting and will kill
you within days. Once they die they come back. . . as ZOMBIES. What has
caused these brain eating, foul smelling, creatures ?? Survivors are
being transported from planes, being carried to unknown location. The
author takes us a on particular plane that is carrying Paul. Paul is a
journalist with a tabloid. He along with many others are survivors and
ones that have lost loved ones. Paul has always dreamed of writing a
fiction book. This maybe his last chance. He will befriend 7 people that
will tell their stories, each with their own perspectives of the doom
they encountered. Paul will take notes of each one, each having their
own survival story and how they escape. When the stories end and the
plane lands the story will take a twist . . . . one that will change
everything and their world.
What a WONDERFUL read ! !
! ! I feel in LOVE with this novel. I have read alot of zombie books,
but this one by far was my favorite ! Each person's story was unique and
not far fetched. Each story will put more pieces into the puzzle of how
and why this happened. You will soon see that no one is safe and this
could happen in today's world. Laybourne's flow of writing is perfect !
Many places you wanted to cry, laugh and scream ! All these characters
were survivors and did what they had to do to survive. I was left
wanting to read more when I hit that last page! IT makes you stop and
think . . . . what would you do to survive ? You will have blood, gore
and ZOMBIES !! ! Sit back and buckle up its a fun ride !
5 zombie stars 
Wende :)
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