Welcome to JBR. Today we have Mina Khan with us.
We are having a giveaway going on for March. What item are you giving away? (Anyone can win the item by going to the rafflecopter on the right hand side of the pg.)
We are having a giveaway going on for March. What item are you giving away? (Anyone can win the item by going to the rafflecopter on the right hand side of the pg.)
An ebook and $5 gift card
First why don't you tell us a little about yourself?
MINA: I’m a Texas-based writer of sexy paranormal romance,
fantasy and adventure. I’m also a food
enthusiast and write a weekly food column for my local newspaper. Originally
from Bangladesh, I’m now a proud West Texan.
My first published work, The Djinn's Dilemma, won the
novella category of the 2012 Romance Through The Ages (published) contest. A
Tale of Two Djinns won the 2013 Readers’ Crown for best paranormal romance.
Newest release?

MINA: My most recent release is Wildfire: A Paranormal Mystery with Cowboys & Dragons.

What can we expect from your stories, action, drama,
romance, sex, blood and guts?
MINA: I write about djinns (genies), dragons, hunks and
whatever else sparks my fancy. As such, you’ll find magic, mayhem and
mischief…and, yes, romance in my stories. I have a lot of fun writing them.

Do you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and
MINA: My favorite character in every story is my heroine
because they do and say things I wish I could, lol. Sarah Jasmine White, the
heroine from my first published work “The Djinn’s Dilemma” will always be a
favorite because she was the first. Also because she’s pretty cool. A reporter
in Texas, she’s reasonable and logical, ethical, and a strong person. Plus, she
makes a super sexy djinn assassin fall in love with her. As you can tell, she’s
got a lot going for her. J
How about your least favorite character? What makes them
less appealing to you?
MINA: The villain…because my villains always have a part to
them that has me hoping they’ll turn out to be good. So they end up
disappointing me in every story.
Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or
MINA: All my stories have an Asian twist. My genie romances
are based on djinn mythology I grew up with in Bangladesh. My dragon heroine in
Wildfire is Japanese American and I had fun working with Japanese myths.
Has there been any other authors who have inspired your work
or helped you out with your stories?
MINA: Yes! I started writing because I fell in love with
stories as a reader. There are many authors I’m grateful for, but to keep it
short: Marjorie M. Liu, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Sharon Shinn.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it
MINA: Please review and tell your family and friends about
my stories.
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers
trying to get published?
MINA: Never give up. Never surrender your dream.
Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to
that person’s work?
MINA: Marjorie M. Liu. Her stories and characters have a lot
of depth and complexity. And she explores the idea of shapeshifters, magic and
powers in very interesting ways.
Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What
makes it memorable?
MINA: Lol, yes. It was a very philosophical poem about a
gong that rang in the middle of the night. It was also my first published work
(I was in the third grade and it was chosen for my school yearbook), so
definitely memorable. J
Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
MINA: The universe, the world, my dreams.
Do you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories
you would like to share?
MINA: I have three dogs (all from the shelter) and three
cats (all found) and I can’t say enough good things about rescue pets. Love
‘em! Also, I dress up in period costume and renaissance dance for fun.
Favorite places to travel or visit?
MINA: I’m a global nomad and love traveling…so, anywhere and
And now, before you go, how about a snippet from your book
that is meant to intrigue and tantalize us:( Include links to where we can find
your work):
WILDFIRE Blurb: Lynn Hana Alexander is a 25-year-old
Japanese American shape-shifter haunted by guilt. She’s been questioning
herself and her dragon abilities ever since she failed to save her grandmother.
When her best friend is threatened by mysterious fires
burning up acres of West Texas, Lynn rushes to the rescue determined not to fail
again. However, with a tempting firefighter, a flirty city developer and dragon
pheromones distracting her, how is she going to find the arsonist?
And worse: is her primary suspect a malicious rogue dragon
or the love of her life?
Excerpt from my new release, Wildfire: A
Paranormal Mystery with Cowboys & Dragons —
incinerated sleep, left her mouth tasting of ash.
Alexander’s parched throat ached. Her mind plucked at reason. She’d been
dreaming of fire again. Wild, angry flames. Billowing smoke. A faint voice
pleading for help. Through it all, someone –something– watched her. Waited.
here.” Another voice, dark and intimate, had commanded from the depths of the
fire. “Come here, little girl.”
a man’s face emerged from the smoke and flames. Strong and grim with rugged
angles, sensuous lips and intense green eyes that glittered with blistering
pressed on her windpipe. Lynn wrenched her head sideways, blinked back tears
and stared at the pebbled texture of the wall next to her bed. Ragged breath caught in her lungs and she focused
on the present to escape the grasping remnants of the dream. She tuned in to
the soft swish of the fan, the quiet roar of the air conditioner, the wild
thrashing of her heart.
nightmare. The same damn nightmare she’d been having all week. An insidious
whisper echoed in her head: Not a dream.
A vision.
before, like when her grandmother died.
rolled through her, cold and certain.
Who was the mysterious
man? The person in trouble or the murderer she hunted? A prickly knowing grew inside her,
jamming at the base of her throat. The tightness turned needle sharp, and then
popped. A single thought formed: Save Jen.
in bed sheets, she twisted around to snatch her cell from the nightstand. The
clock blinked three a.m. in poison green numerals. Jen would be mega-pissed if
the phone woke her at this ungodly hour in the middle of the work week for no
reason. Worry itched between Lynn’s shoulder blades. But what if this was a
true warning? She’d rather risk her best friend’s wrath than her life.
the phone, she speed dialed Jen. No answer. Pick
up the phone. Pick up the damn phone.
six rings, she snapped the phone shut and threw off the covers. Lynn leapt out
of bed, and stripped out of her sweaty clothes. She grabbed the backpack she
always kept ready by her bedside, shoved the phone into a front pocket, and
slipped her arms into the extra-long straps. She knew she shouldn’t risk
exposure, but she had to get to Jen. Protect her from whatever danger
she rushed to the French doors and threw them open. The cool October breeze
embraced her and dried the sweat clinging to her skin. She stared into the
night, glad of the darkness. Being one of the rare shape-shifters in the family
garnered her a room with rooftop access. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the dank
smell of the bayou and summoned the change.
crackled across her skin, filled her mind, as blue-green scales rippled over
her body giving her tan a bronze sheen. Lynn’s core dissolved to molten lava,
reformed and hardened. Muscles stretched and grew stronger, bones pushed and
molded flesh. Nubs emerged from her back, elongated and flared into wings. A
deep burn spread from her gut, igniting cell after cell, until she shook like a
live wire juiced on raw power.
leathery wings flailed behind her as she stumbled around a bit before settling
into the new weight. One would think a five foot one and half-inch Asian
American woman would transform into a delicate, miniature-poodle type of
dragon. Not so. In dragon form, Lynn was seven feet of sharp scales, sinuous
muscle and steely strength.
Smashwords: http://goo.gl/aCYdEZ
Amazon: http://goo.gl/mcToh1
B&N: http://goo.gl/XaMBfm

I love hearing from readers and you can find me at:
Author Page https://www.amazon.com/author/minakhan
Blog: Stories by
Mina Khan http://www.minakhanbooks.com/
Goodreads Author
Page http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5234352.Mina_Khan
Thank you for stopping by. We wish you continued success.
Julie Ramsey
I have not had the opportunity to read her books yet but I would like too. I enjoy stories that take place in Texas, not sure why, never been there.
ReplyDeletecmucha319 AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks Julie for hosting me! And thanks CBarton for visiting...you should definitely visit TX one day. It's a very friendly place :)