Welcome to JBR. Today we have Cathy MacDonald with us.
We are having a give away going on for March. What item are you giving away? (Anyone can win the item by going to the rafflecopter on the right hand side of the pg.)
We are having a give away going on for March. What item are you giving away? (Anyone can win the item by going to the rafflecopter on the right hand side of the pg.)
I am giving a $10 gift card
why don't you tell us a little about yourself?
I am
a business woman, former school teacher, wife, mother, and grandmother. We run
an RV dealership with about 30 employees. I live way up in the mountains
surrounded by the beauty of Nature, and have affectionately named our house,
The Retreat.
The Divorce Ranch

can we expect from your stories, action, drama, romance, sex, blood and guts?
romance, some sex, although years ago I promised my own children I wouldn’t be graphic.
This particular novel includes a great deal of history about the divorce era.
you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and Why?
The Divorce Ranch, Dorothy is my favorite. She was a screen actress in the
1930s, and fought the societal conventions of how “good girls” were supposed to
behave. She believed what was good enough for men was good enough for women.
about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you?
in The Divorce Ranch there are several vacant, plastic women who were placed to
mirror the attitudes of the women who had embraced the fact that women had the
vote, times were changing, and you didn’t have to be stuck in the kitchen with
your apron on. (I have a huge disdain for vacant, plastic, pretentious women.)
us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series:
1936 people were beginning to wise up about Hitler’s antics. As Lily says at
dinner, “But what do you think about this Hitler chap? I’ve heard some pretty
disturbing things from people who have traveled over to Germany. They say he’s
eliminated his government partners and the whole country is socialist. My
friend told me he’s after the Jews, which doesn’t set well with me.”
there been any other authors who have inspired your work or helped you out with
your stories?
Yes. I am an avid reader. Some of my favorite books come from Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Madeline L’Engle, Anne Tyler, Wally Lamb, Julia Cameron, Alice Hoffman
Yes. I am an avid reader. Some of my favorite books come from Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Madeline L’Engle, Anne Tyler, Wally Lamb, Julia Cameron, Alice Hoffman
can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
a book group where you can read and discuss the book, the setting, and the
political times.
you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get
As a
reading specialist, I always remind people of the three levels of reading:
Instructional (in class, learning a new concept), Independent (I like to think
of beach reads. Pure fun) Frustrational
(way over your head. For me, Calculus) Find something that interests you to
read; don’t worry about what your friends read. Writing is a skill. The more you practice any skill the better
you become. There are critics everywhere and don’t let them impede your goal of
getting published. (if that’s a goal) Remember, many times critics are frustrated
you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s work?
Too many to list. I have a library with probably over 1000 books, plus the ones
on my Kindle. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it memorable?
I wrote a play when I was ten. I produced it, and then charged people
admission. And guess what? They came.
do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
I have a saying on my computer at work that says, “Careful…or you’ll be in my
you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories you would like to
I love to hike and ride my bike. I also practice yoga. I have a five-year-old
labradoodle who comes to work with me. (I own the business.) And she rides in
my granddaughter’s car seat in the back seat of my car. I love to look at
people’s faces when I pull up next to them at a stoplight. They see Lulu
sitting in the car seat and they always break into a wide smile. I’m that crazy
woman with the dog in the car seat.
places to travel or visit?
love France, the food, the wine, and the history. I love exploring old castles
and sitting in quaint squares drinking the local wine.
From the book:
“The rules are different for men and women. We are supposed to behave while men can have all the fun.” Dorothy glanced over and could tell he was still having a problem with the concept. “You’ve experienced my desire for sex. I feel it’s healthy and important for everyone, not just men. My husband couldn’t satisfy me, so I looked to someone else and when my producer found out, he threw a fit. Then my husband said he was hurt and demanded a divorce, even though he was carrying on with his own affair. Why is it only men can have what they want?”
Jed turned into the small dirt parking lot. “Now, I’m just a simple cowboy, but I don’t understand why a beautiful, successful actress such as yourself would allow others to tell you how to run your life. It just don’t seem right.” He parked and turned off the engine.
“Hmm. I can’t answer that. Unfortunately, I’m owned by the studio. They tell me what to do, who to marry, and what clothes to wear, and where I’m to be seen when I’m not on the lot.” She laughed. “They would not want me at this bar.”
“What would they do if they found you here?”
Thank you for stopping by for a chat. We wish you much success.
Julie Ramsey
Thank you for stopping by for a chat. We wish you much success.
Julie Ramsey
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