
Winners of the Kindle giveaway and more!

Congratulations to all the winners of the April giveaway.
Below are the winners and what they won. I have contacted each of you already. The winner of the Kindle needs to contact me ASAP, so I can send out the prizes. The winners of the gift cards, your prizes will be sent out as soon as I get done here. Winners from the authors, I will be send your information to the authors shortly and soon you should receive an email from them.

Here are the winners:
A.n Blount-  Julie R (not me)
Dennis Timothy- Mary G & Samantha
Kristine- Dianna
Dana R- Amy B
Brandy W- Keisha P
Nya R.- Joanna
Julie R- Jennifer M, Diana C., Sharayah C.  (you 3 should already have your prizes)
$25- Theresa
$10- Lashawn
$5 Patti
$5 Tanya
$5 Olivia

and drum roll please!!
The Winner of the Kindle Fire is 
Lisa C.
(Please contact me ASAP)

Thanks you all for participating in the April giveaway! It has been a blast and I hope all the authors had a great time. We here at Julie's Book Review thank everyone who visited and all the awesome authors.

News for Julies Book Review:

Any authors who need help with promotion please contact me. We require a $5 a day promotion fee. The fee goes back into the site as prizes to draw people here to the site. Please fee free to contact me at juliesbookreview@gmail.com for any questions.

Thanks again!
Julie Ramsey
author of The Wild Bone (The White Alpha of Monroe series)


  1. If I could talk with one person in Heaven it would probably be my great grandmother (Ma) since I was too young to appreciate her life stories and would love to know more about her adventures


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Julie's Book Review

Hello, all my followers, visitors, and guests. Welcome to Julies Book Review. This is a site dedicated to helping authors and readers alike. Readers to find new authors and stories and authors to find new readers. For authors please contact me if you are interested in low cost promotion at juliesbookreview@gmail.com. I accommodate where I can. Readers please go through and search the blog. We have been active here for a while. Hundreds on authors, stories and genres to choose from. We have everything from sci-fi, erotica, romance, contemporary, mystery and horror. And nothing gets on this site without a 3 out 5 star rating minimum. I have several reviewers that read different genres. If you are interested in reviewing for me and the site please contact me at the above email. I hope you enjoy the site. I look forward to meeting and talking with you all.

Julie Ramsey & Theresa Fehse
Along with many reviewers (which we could not do this without)