First as the administrator of Julies Book Review I would love to thank all who have visited and participated in our blog. I hope everyone had a safe holiday season and I sincerely wish for everyone a great 2014!

Coming soon!
More reviews are a given. Lots of genres!! Authors if you are looking for reviews please contact me with requests. Features/posts will resume in February. I will be posting information on our authors reviewers page on Facebook If you are interested in participating you can contact me via email of Facebook. I hope to see you all in the New Year! Please bring your friends and spread the word of Julies Book Review!
Thanks Again!
Julie Ramsey
ADM/Reviewer/ hopefully soon to be Author!!

Winners for the December Giveaway
1. RE Butler- Theresa
2. Humeria Kazami- BN100
3. Dixie Lynn Dwyer- Patches
4. Nicky Wells- Amy
5. Tessa Dawn- BN100
6. Karli Rush- Estela (ebook), Amy- (signed book &poster)** 2 winners
7.Mina Moore- Donna
8. Rosanna Leo- Tim
9. Patches- Donna
10. Julie- BN100
11. Kristine Cayne- Edith
12. J.A. Dennam- Patches
13. Suzzanne Wright- Jan Meredith
14. Petra- Theresa
15. Theresa- Aimee
16. Christine Feehan- Patches
17. Felicity Heaton- Jan
18. Donna- Pat
19.Jamie- Amy
20. Wende- Ellen
21. Akisha- Aimee
What a Great Giveaway, Loved the December Share