
Aimee Martin Day 3

**It’s RELEASE day**
Go one click your copy of Forever Grateful, book two in the Lake Shores Series, today! Right Now! Come meet Alex Lambert, retired Navy man, and Melanie Moore, an atheist cynic. What could they possibly have in common? Other than chemistry…..
An atheist woman. A Christian man.
And an unforeseen enemy that can bring them together…
or tear them apart forever.

Faith. For Melanie Moore, faith was nothing more than a useless word, valuable only to those of the faint-of-heart. And with everything life had thrown at her, Mel was anything but cowardly. Rely on yourself. Trust no one. Those rules kept her walls up, her heart guarded and her life uncomplicated.

Alex Lambert sees more in Melanie than she's willing to believe, despite her troubled past. He sees a future filled with faith and love. She tries to push him away, but Alex is a Navy man. Quitting isn't in his vocabulary. He intends to stick with his plans to help Melanie trust again.

As Alex and Melanie work on turning her disbelief into belief, their relationship blooms and grows stronger every day. They say time can mend a broken soul but time may be a luxury Melanie and Alex don't have.


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Julie's Book Review

Hello, all my followers, visitors, and guests. Welcome to Julies Book Review. This is a site dedicated to helping authors and readers alike. Readers to find new authors and stories and authors to find new readers. For authors please contact me if you are interested in low cost promotion at juliesbookreview@gmail.com. I accommodate where I can. Readers please go through and search the blog. We have been active here for a while. Hundreds on authors, stories and genres to choose from. We have everything from sci-fi, erotica, romance, contemporary, mystery and horror. And nothing gets on this site without a 3 out 5 star rating minimum. I have several reviewers that read different genres. If you are interested in reviewing for me and the site please contact me at the above email. I hope you enjoy the site. I look forward to meeting and talking with you all.

Julie Ramsey & Theresa Fehse
Along with many reviewers (which we could not do this without)