First why don't you tell us a little about yourself?
~I grew up hating to read. I loathed it, until I found the genre of books that seemed to hit a cord with me. Romance books brought out a new found hobby that then turned in to a passion. I was a mother to three boys when I wrote my first book Torn Hearts. It sparked a fire in me to write even more. With the birth of my only daughter a year after I wrote Torn Hearts, I soon realized that I could do this, I could be a legit author. So even though I'm a stay at home mom, and life can get overwhelming with sports and school and day to day chores, I find time whenever I can to tap the keys and make the characters in my head come to life.
Newest release?
~Torn Hearts is my very first book!

What can we expect from your stories, action, drama, romance,sex, blood and guts?
~I like to write stories that make you laugh, have drama, obviously sexy time is a must. I like to write as true to the characters as I can, I want the reader to be able to put themselves right in the story and have it be believable.
Do you have a favorite character in your stories? Who? and Why?
~So my favorite character from all the stories I've written so far has to be Kane Lawson. Kane is from my soon to be released novel Make Me Stay. The story follows a rock band and Kane Lawson is the lead singer. He is by far the sexiest and most passionate character I've ever written.
Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series:
~So as I'm writing all my stories The Torn Hearts series and the soon to be released One Night Stand series about the rock band, I have both series happening at the same time. so as you read any of my stories you hear little bits of info about other characters from different books. They're all connected if that makes sense.
Has there been any other authors who have inspired your work or helped you out with your stories?
~Yes! So many authors have inspired me to keep at it. I've been able to talk with a few and sometimes I just get inspiration from reading their bios about how they never gave up and kept at it.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
~The best thing a reader can do, other than purchasing the book is leave a review. So many great books get looked over because they don't have reviews. Whether we want to admit it or not we have a tendency to purchase books with lots of reviews. So Review review review! It doesn't take long and it helps the author so much.
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published?
~Make sure you have a good query letter. That letter is the first thing a publisher sees and it needs to be your best work. Never give up, just because you got a rejection from one publisher doesn't mean the next one won't love your story and want to work with you.
Do you have a favorite author? If yes, what draws you to that person’s work?
~RL Mathewson I love her books! I love the comedy, the drama. I love the way she weaves a story. She's overall awesome.
Can you remember one of the first things you wrote? What makes it memorable?
~I wrote a story when I was in the 7th or 8th grade. It was a huge accomplishment and I was so proud but man was it horrible. I still have it and maybe one day I can try to pull a real story out of it and make a readable.
Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
~ My inspiration comes from all around me. People I meet, a song. Music plays a big part in my writing, a song can bring on a dialog between characters, a theme throughout the story, music is key!
Do you have any other interesting hobbies, pets or stories you would like to share?
~I am a sucker for TV. I love all sorts of shows. I'll list a few but please know that there are many many more. Survivor, Vampire Diaries, Dance Moms, CSI, Greys, Outlander, Poldark, Bachelor/Bachelorette, oh man there's too many I'll stop here.
Favorite places to travel or visit?
~I love the beach but it's definitely not as relaxing with four small kids. I'm planning our first family trip to Disney in the spring and I think that will turn into my favorite place.
Thank you for sharing about yourself and your writing. We look forward to learn more about you and your book throughout the week.
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