The Death Cure
By James Dashner
Thomas and his friend are starting a war at WICKED. WICKED (World IN Catastrophe; Killzone Department) has finally drawn its last straw with Thomas. After Being in a white padded room like an insane person would be in, Thomas is finally let free by Jason (Rat Man). Thomas is reunited with his friends and Jason explains to them that they will get the memories back. Jason also explain that some of them are not immune to the deadly virus called the Flare. All Thomas wants is to be free. Soon WICKED headquarter is in chaos. Thomas, Minho, Newt, Brenda and Jorge escape the chaos and flee up north. In order for Thomas to be free he must take down WICKED once and for all.
The Death Cure was good and sad. It was well written and fast pace. The author explains very well how Thomas feels about his friends and about WICKED. The book was very action packed and exciting. Don't forget to read the last book in the series, The Kill Order. It’s a prequel so it starts 13 years earlier.
By James Ramsey

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